Category: Tips and Tweaks
10 Unusual Facts About Laser Printers
Laser printers can be found in homes and businesses everywhere. They print invoices, term papers, certificates, and other important documents using a method based on static electricity. Here are some facts about the laser printer that you might not know.
Hacking Basics And How To Protect Yourself From Hackers
Hacking has turned out to be a means for accessing the world of others without their knowledge. The status of hacking has been given a negative image as t is something very unethical and immoral to access the properties of others without their knowledge. But if another view is taken, then it would not be…
Tips To Troubleshoot Mobile Broadband & Dongles
Mobile broadband is a brilliant innovation that has opened the possibility of accessing the internet, no matter where we are. As with any other technology, mobile broadband too is not completely perfect. It has its own circle of issues relating to coverage, speed etc. While some of these cannot be fixed at the users end,…
11 Tips to Make Browsing the Internet Faster
Is your computer as fast as it was when you purchased it? Are you noticing that the smallest things take time to load on the internet? Take a look at what your computer is doing. Here are some little things that you can do to make your internet faster. 1. Use a third party DNS…
Computer Clock Does Not Show Correct Time After Restart
A user asked me about a problem he was having about his computer clock. His computer clock was not showing correct time after the PC was restarted no matter how many times the clock is adjusted but the same situation occurs every time the system is restarted. I investigated the issue and here’s the solution…
10 Tips for Ensuring You Don’t Download Spyware
The combination of spyware, malware and adware makes for a horrid blight on the PC landscape. The creators of these foul applications are indiscriminate, encouraging their malignant wares to spread unchecked across the internet to reside within your computer. Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to prevent this plague of slimeware from infecting…
How to Troubleshoot Microsoft Word 2007?
Microsoft Word 2007 is enriched with many outstanding and useful features that leads to efficient management of your documents. With the help of Word 2007, you can download template documents by connecting to the Internet, latest clip arts, online dictionary and images directly from the Microsoft Office official website. Already built templates are quite handy…
Share Folders Easily With Shared Folder Wizard
I was browsing the internet and found out a very good tip from ghacks about Shared Folder Wizard. I never knew that there is a built in wizard for sharing of folders. To start the wizard, just go to Run –> shrpubw. This will open up the Shared Folder Wizard.
Mouse Automatically Selects Any File In Windows
A client of mine is using Windows 7 and he reported a weird problem with his system. He told me that his mouse was behaving strange as it would select anything while he was hovering the mouse around. At first I didn’t understand the problem but when I used Team Viewer to connect to his…
Disable Annoying Administrator Privileges Prompt
Many times you may have encountered the prompt for administrator privileges in Windows 7. There is technique by which you can set the administrator privileges by default in Windows 7. 1. Go to Start Orb –> Computer and right click ,select Manage. 2. Double click Users and Groups,select Users, click Administrator and open its Properties…