Category: Software

  • Perform Useful Tasks From Command Line

    What is the command line shortcut to open and close the door of CD-ROM drive? What is the command line shortcut to increase, decrease or mute system volume? What is the command line shortcut to turn off the monitor? What is the command line shortcut to logoff current user? What is the command line shortcut…

  • Connect Different Applications To Different Internet Connections

    Photo by fluke42The people who have two or more internet connections use the two connections one at a time. Most of the offices have two or more internet connections, one for the main operations and others as backup connections. The problem is that we cannot use all the connections at the same time. I have…

  • Advanced Copy Paste Clipboard Utility

    Windows default copy paste function and clipboard utility is a pretty simple one. It can only store one copy which is fairly good for beginners. But when it comes to power usage, an advanced copy paste functionality is required for example a clipboard should be able to save more than one copies and then it…

  • Customize Windows 7 Installation ISO Image

    A few hours back Abdullah wrote an article about a software which is used to customize Windows 7 DVD. I also have a tool which can be used for the same purpose. I thought I’d share it here. It’s called RT Seven Lite. RT Seven Lite offers a blend of features which include integration of…

  • Update Windows 7 With Autopatcher

    I have already written about how to download Windows 7 updates for offline installation. Do you remember Autopatcher? Autopatcher was a tool that could download all the Windows updates and then we could save those updates and easily install them later when we reinstalled the Windows. Then mysteriously Autopatcher went off on request of Microsoft.…

  • Close All Applications With One Click In Windows

    Several times in my Technology career I have encountered the problem of all the applications hanging at the same time and then refusing to close. Even if they get closed through the Task Manager by killing the respective processes, it’s a lengthy and time consuming task to close all the applications one at a time.…

  • Password Protect Files And Folders

    Ever wonder if you’re able to password protect your most important folders and even files alone? It’s really cool to have this kind of functionality in Windows. But Windows only protect files on a per user basis rather than password protecting the actual files or folders. Protect Me 2010 is a tiny utility which does…

  • Launch Windows Apps From Status Bar

    SE-TrayMenu is a small app that acts as application launcher from the Windows system tray or status bar. A simple configuration is needed for adding applications into the SE-TrayMenu. Main features of this utility include the following:

  • Unlocker Alternative For Windows 7 And Windows 64-bit

    Long back I had written about Unlocker which was the solution for “Cannot delete file or folder” problem. It’s the best tool for unlocking the files that are being currently used. But it has been a long time since it was updated and it doesn’t seem to support for newer Operating Systems like 64-bit version…

  • 2 Ways To Download Windows 7 Updates For Offline Installation

    If you have a default installation of Windows 7 and you are connected to the internet all the time then Windows should update itself regularly and you’d be safe enough from the latest vulnerabilities and threats discovered in Windows 7. But if you are not connected to the internet all the time then you should…