A few hours back Abdullah wrote an article about a software which is used to customize Windows 7 DVD. I also have a tool which can be used for the same purpose. I thought I’d share it here. It’s called RT Seven Lite.
RT Seven Lite offers a blend of features which include integration of Windows updates, hotfixes and additional drives. Third party applications which have silent installers can also be integrated in the Windows 7 installation ISO image.
Windows components that you don’t want to use any more can be removed from the installation ISO. You can also disable or adjust certain system services, change power configuration and other system tweaks.
An unattended installation can also be created from this little software. There are other loads of features that you can go through of RT Seven Lite homepage. Just tweak Windows 7 Setup ISO, make it bootable, burn it and install Windows 7 with the new DVD and get your tweaks and installs right away without wasting time.