Category: Security
Security Alert: Gmail Filter Virus
Last time I wrote about Facebook image tag spam which is rather more annoying than dangerous. But now it’s the Gmail accounts that are getting compromised with Gmail filter virus. So what is Gmail filter virus? Let’s talk about it in a little detail. Picture courtsy:
Manage Windows 7 Firewall Easily With Windows 7 Firewall Control
Windows 7 includes a very good firewall which is much better than its predecessor, Windows XP firewall. But the problem with Windows 7 firewall is that it is not easy to use. It uses a very complex UI which a normal person can’t use without knowing much about firewalls.
Latest Microsoft Windows 7 Activation Crack
Microsoft has been busy getting rid of all the Windows activation cracks that started to pour out even before the final release of Microsoft Windows 7. The activation cracks used to bypass the technology used by Microsoft that interpreted the activation. With Service Pack 1, it became almost impossible for the hackers to crack the…
Zeus Trojan And Password Stealer Detection And Removal
Zeus Trojan has been around for a few years now. It is one of the most active trojans which is in constant state of further development. The last varient of Zeus (ZBot) was found a few months back which was named version 2. Zeus Trojan steals personal information from the infected PC/system. But now a…
Unhide Files By Single Dos Command
Usually when virus hide files and it also remove folder options it is much difficult to get the files quickly if one is in hurry, although such virus can be removed manually (Read Remove EXE virus manually) ; But I’m going to tell the the way in which you can UN-hide all the hidden files by on single…
10 Tell Tale Signs Your Computer Has Been Compromised
Is your computer acting out of sorts? Are you having trouble with pop ups? Your computer might have been compromised with viruses or malware. How can you tell whether your system has been infected? Here are ten telltale signs of malware infestation. 1. System Crashes Unexplained crashing is one of the best ways to discover…
New Wireless Experience with Windows 7
Introduction Windows 7 is the latest addition to Windows based operating system and is being considered as much faster, safer and better then its predecessor Vista. Most of the Windows users are feeling satisfied after upgrading there systems to Windows 7 which is fuelling the rapid popularity and adoption of the operating system around the…
10 Programs That Protect Your PC for Free
Guest post by James Adams. There are people who want to damage the function of your computer through the use of spyware, viruses and malware. There are plenty of downloadable applications which can prevent the aggravation and frustration of having these malicious programs on your machine. Here are some of the best FREE security applications…
How To Detect And Avoid Gmail Scams
Yesterday I got an email in my Gmail inbox that was in Chinese but there was something suspicious in the email. It seemed like it was sent from Gmail itself. So I decided to investigate the issue.Let’s first look at the email that I received. I have translated it into English using Google translator.…
Two Free Cloud Antivirus Suites That Work Great
Cloud computing is on a rise nowadays. Cloud computing is an internet based computing concept where multiple resources share multiple tasks increasing the overall speed of computing and reliability. With the increase of other cloud computing services, Cloud antivirus has also emerged recently. The first cloud antivirus introduced in the market was Panda Cloud Antivirus…