USB Hidden Copier v1.1 Released

USB Hidden Copier copies all the content of all the USB drives that have been inserted in the system and will save it to the hard drive. This process is invisible and the user doesn’t know that his or her content has been copied.
You can read about v1.0 here.
usb copier 1.1

What’s New in Version 1.1:

1. Added feature: You can choose the folder where the copied content will be saved.
2. Added feature: You can start copying immediately by pressing Alt+C.
If program is not actually copying, it will start copying immediately
and the program’s icon  (tray icon) will appear in notification area for 1/2 sec
and will hide again. This way you will be notified that the command is
accepted. If the program is actually copying, then this command
will not be accepted and will not have any effect.
3. Added feature: To close program (Exit) you can press Alt+E.
If program is not actually copying, it will close (exit) and you will be
notified for this by a triangle icon in notification area, showing/hidding for 1/2 sec.
4. It is more easy to use now. Buttons are enabled/disabled to tell you what you can click!
5. All the filles are included (embeded) to it’s control panel, so you can take only it’s
control panel anywhere and install the program, without having to
take other aditional files with you when you travel anywhere.
[download id=”142″]





90 responses to “USB Hidden Copier v1.1 Released”

  1. samildanach

    shows up as a trojan?

    1. Sanix

      samildanach, Please tell us how you’re scanning the file? Which tools are you using so that they are giving it as a trojan?

  2. scratchy

    lets try it out


    samildanach, it does only the task that it was written for: Coppies the content of usb drives inserted into computer and saves that content to hard disc, for you to access it later. Nothing else. I have sent it with the source code here but the source code was not published by admin, maybe becouse there was not any interess about it.
    But if anyone like to have the source code and the latest version from me, just let me know by writting a coment here!
    Thanks to all those that have downloaded and like it.

  4. Juan España

    Hi , i am spanish, and i´,m not speak english very well, sorry….
    the program dont work correctly in mi PC .. when I use the pen drive.. the Program dont read F: or E: , else A: … disquettes….. and show me a error in screen : ” no hay disco en la unidad. inserte un disco en la unidad. CANCELAR REINTENTAR CONTINUAR..
    somebody can i help me. thank you for all !

    1. Sanix

      Juan there were some bugs in this great little tool that have been corrected in the next beta version. The next final version is still under development. Which the final version comes out, you can use the beta version which removes these bugs. You can download the beta version from our forums here:


    Juan you should be registered to Technize to download beta version of Usb Hidden Coppier.
    Registration is completely free.
    Please register from this link:
    After registering you can download the beta Version here:
    which is available to download only for registered members.
    In beta version, all bugs reported until now, are fixed, included the “floppy disc bug”.
    Thanks to all people that have downloaded my program.
    Regards, ALTIN

  6. juananknight

    Thank you For all , the program is PERFECT 😉

  7. samildanach

    sorry for the late reply ,
    superantispyware shows: Trojan.Agent/Gen-Tempz
    information from their website:
    Detected Item Description and Information
    Listed below is basic information about the detected application/process. This application may not be safe to have on your system.
    Summary : Trojan.Agent/Gen-TempZ.Process
    Company : Unknown
    Description : Trojan that may log user information and possibly block access to certain security related sites.
    Threat Level (1-10) : 5

  8. outsider84

    I am not able to download this software. it says “file not found” on the download page. can you give me an alternative link pls?

  9. outsider84

    to be more accurate it says “Invalid File ID or File Name.”

  10. darkcoffee

    hey mate, can you send me the source code and the program? I am also curious about the result of a usb harddisk insertion. (which may have higher full volume than empty of the hard drive in computer.)
    fast reply will save lives here. thanks in advance.

  11. king

    hi, sir
    ur idea is very good.but i didn’t find any links for either download this usb hidden copier or source code file lin.bocz ur said we may edit your source code. please reply me for my email,,,,,it’s very urgent forme.please respond to me……………..

  12. McIFI

    Cannot access the download webpage, can anyone send it to me please? Thanks! or a download link?

  13. mark dane

    can you send me the link for downloading your software..
    thank you

  14. mark dane

    my email add is

  15. T

    Of cause it is trojan, but it harms not you but somebody who uses USB on your computer 😉

  16. Hassan

    Thanks for the program Thats Awesome!!
    I have a problem. The computer I want to use it does not gives me administrator rights to install the program. Can you help me out with this?
    I actually need a USB data of my instructor so that her USB is copied into the sysem and I can take it from the system later.


    Hasan I will make some experiments my self and then let you know.
    I will help you of course!

  18. outsider84

    hey mate,
    could you send me the program? my mail is If you can also send the source code I will be more than glad.


    darkcoffee said on 21-06-2009……
    DarkCoffee, I just saw your post now and about your couriosity “if you insert an usb hard drive” I can tell that only 10GB are saved in computer’s hard drive, so if the usb inserted is bigger than 10GB, not it’s completely content will be saved.
    Hope you are cleared now.

  20. Kas

    No copied USB at all…
    When press Alt+c, search in floppy…
    sistem WinXP SP3
    Very good idea…

  21. arci

    i have a problem:
    the software works, but it’s not hidden…
    when a insert the flash drive it shows a little window with the data download prograssion, so it’s useless for me…


    For your information users;
    Problem solved, it was another program installed on Arci’s computer caused the window to appear.
    He sent me an email that confirms this.
    So that was a mistake of Arci’s.

  23. Mohamed Afrah

    Hi Altin!
    Thnks for the beutiful application whe i rucn it an annoying massage appers after some time.Disk not found.I am using beta verson.My cpu has an in built card reader.
    What to do please mail me a fixxed copy of this beutiful application at

  24. topon23m

    hi U!
    how can I have a sourse code to edit? could U send me a source code? my email thank so much!

  25. francing_horse

    I unable to install the program. it said something is wrong reg key deleted. what to do. plzzz…

  26. xAv

    Dude, can send the nice program to me? thanks bro..

  27. xAv

    Dude, can email me the program at
    Thanks bro..

  28. Claudio

    I installed the program and everything run ok, but after rebooting the PC the program doesn’t run anymore. I really need it 🙁

  29. ALTIN

    this is not a problem of my program I think, becouse it checks if all files and registry entries are ok, then tell you that it is installed sucessfully. Your problem may be caused by any other software that deletes the startup items, so check your system if you have installed any other security software that does that. thanks.

  30. ahm

    Can I get the source code ?
    I think, program must backup just specified files like *.doc, *.xls etc…
    and backup files to FTP server.
    mail: ben (@)

  31. ahmed

    the problem is i cannot install this program..on pressing the install button it says…somthing went wrong..unable to install…..please help..its urgent…thanxx

  32. gerard

    i think an administrator account is needed to install. can you please make it even a limited user can use? thanks

  33. jens

    Hello, I have a problem. Only one empty list is copied invested, however, not the contents of the list on USB embroidery one. What can I do?

  34. waleed

    thanks for this nice programe, but i try it and no file has been copied even after i press start buttom ????

  35. shanky

    hii .. i am unable to install the program it says : something was wrong .program cant be installed.reg key deleted … can you help me ??

  36. Bipasha

    ”something was wrong.Program can’t be installed” …………..why ?
    Please provide the actual soft..:

  37. Malko

    Hey, i got the same problem, i installed and started copying it, but i try to run it again, and dont know how to, also i try to install it again and i get the “something was wrong” think, how can i fix it?

  38. sam0013

    First, I’d like to thank Altin for his work
    This is the same problem that some other people have mentioned
    I seem to have a problem when trying to install, the program says “something is wrong. program can’t be installed. Reg key deleted!”
    I have disabled my security programs, disabled UAC, disabled windows defender, and it still gives me the same problem
    Although, the program ran the first time I tried it, and after that, this problem keeps showing up, I have tried it on 2 other computers with the same result
    I would appreciate any help in this matter

  39. mohammad

    i just downloaded the hidden usb copier, and when i click install, it says “something was wrong, program cant be installed, reg key deleted.”
    anyone knows what this means?

  40. simone

    How unistall usb hidden copier? the program is blocked on “INSTALL”. Thank you!

  41. Altin

    Ciao Simeone 🙂
    what do you mean with “blocked”?
    can explain in more details? you can write in italian if you are not comfortable with english, because I understand italian 🙂
    Grazie mile.

  42. mintee

    I was tinkering with the software on an older computer with Windows 2000 and it never worked correctly. Which is fine.
    But now it pulls up an “AutoIt v3: Windows – No Disk, Exception Processing Message c000013 Parameters 7cc31d6c 7cc31d6c 7cc31d6c 7cc31d6c” error box ever 10 seconds or so and the boxes are always on top of the screen.
    I’ve tried running the Control Panel.exe to install and then remove however, the software replies with an error saying “Something was wrong. The program can’t be installed. Reg key deleted!” and then closes.
    I would like to get the software out of this computer as multiple people need to use it.
    Thanks, I’ll be checking the forum for comments back regularly!

  43. arc

    Thank you for a very cool utility!!
    I have a couple of questions
    1) if one USB disk is inserted and is copied than it seems that another simultaneously inserted USB disk will not be copied? So the question is can it work for several USB sticks at once in parallel or sequentialy (but when the first USB disk is still in the slot)
    2) what if USB disks have the same name – the space symbol is added to the name, am i correct? ))
    and again THANK YOU!!!

  44. thwyban

    Thank you for this tool
    but I have some questions:
    Is it a portable application (doesn’t need installation)?
    If you insert the same USB memory twice does it show the overwritten message or it just overwrite it?
    If I want to copy the USB memory only once (or if I insert more than USB memory and I only need to copy the first one) does it copy the USB memory and exit?

  45. Altin

    1. Yes, it is portable, but needs to install only once on the target PC because it will be running there. The “installation” is just 1 button click and takes less than 1 second.
    2. No, it will never show any message, it operates completely invisible.
    3. It copies the content in certain periods to ensure it has the latest updated content.
    How can we determine which is “the first one”?? Until now this feature is not included to minimize the options on setup, but it may be included in the future…
    .-= Altin´s last blog ..Easy Download Youtube Videos =-.

  46. Alex

    It is not really portable since you can’t use it without installing it on the computer, which might requires administrator privileges in some cases. Is there anyway to make it work on this kind of restricted environment ?

  47. juan

    i just installed and its fine but whe some one insert his usb and the he unplug it and it was copying there qill be a mesage error so the person will know that ure doing it. is there a way to remove that mesage?

  48. william sh.

    i test this program on my computer and it works good then how can i delete this program on my computer, if i want to delete it…

  49. amlisikli

    hello. thanks for this great program.
    i ve installed it on my windows 7 x64. too see how it works. ran program with admins mode, installed it. but for a reason i can’t manage to copy files to my destination directory. a folder is created whic has the name of usb drive, but no files. anyway my real question is when i closed the program first time and started again (second time) uninstall button was deactivated. i couldn’t uninstall it. and i tried to install again to uninstall, i got a message says “bla bla reg key deleted”. i think it might be caused by my virus program. i restarted my computer and saw that program is still starting on startup. now please help to remove this from my computer.

  50. Abhinav Joshi

    something was wrong. Program can’t be installed. Reg key deleted!
    This is error m getting but 1st time it worked n after that continuously it’s repeating d same… Check this out…