Convert PDF Files To Powerpoint Presentations

Today I got an email from Sandy, a regular reader of Technize. She had suggested a wonderful tool to convert PDF files into Powerpoint presentations. It is actually an online tool in which we have to upload the PDF files and in return it’ll email the converted files back to us.

convert pdf to powerpoint

So why would I like to convert my PDF files into Microsoft Powerpoint presentations? Because Powerpoint slideshows are more easier to read and browse. Just pressing F5 makes the presentation full screen and then it only forwards on mouse click or any key press. In this way we have much less distraction than viewing a document like PDF or Word.

retain layout pdf to ppt

The layout of the PDF file is retained in the newly created Powerpoint presentation. This tool replicates the text and images to the Powerpoint presentation in the same layout as it was in the PDF file.

edit pdf

Another advantage of converting from PDF to Powerpoint presentations is that after conversion, the documents become editable so they can be edited and revised as necessary.



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One response to “Convert PDF Files To Powerpoint Presentations”

  1. G.Ananthakrishnan

    Tried to convert pdf to ppt but I am getting message conversion failed
    Can you help me what is wrong