- Using Fedora Core 5, install the operating system with its default configuration i.e., default partition layout.
- Assign a live IP to the system along with the local IP.
- Hostname should be fully qualified i.e., mail.example.com.
- Make sure your FQDN is before your hostname in /etc/hosts e.g, example.com mail
- Configure the DNS with A and MX records of the mail server.
- Make sure the following ports are open:
- Linux firewall and SELinux should be disabled.
Installing Zimbra:
- Untar Zimbra to a new directory.
- Make sure sendmail, postfix and mysql services are not running during installation process.
- Pre-requisite packages for Zimra:
#GMP or compat-libstddcc++
- Run ./install.sh from the new directory to start the installation.
- Select packages to install (Default should go fine)
- Create the admin password from the menu list (that’s mandatory).
- To start or stop Zimbra:
su -zimbra
zmcontrol start
zmcontrol stop
zmcontrol status
- To access via web:
Admin console
2 responses to “Zimbra Collaboration Suite – Installation”
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