Security Alert: Facebook Password Reset Confirmation Email Contains Virus

Yesterday a colleague of mine forwarded me an email that she had got in the name of another colleague. The title of the email was “Facebook Password Reset Confirmation”. The reply-to address was given as which was a little strange because whenever I get a mail from facebook, the domain is always I got suspicious and decided to investigate the issue.

Upon looking into the mail closely, there was an attachment named To this point I was sure that this was a virus or something. I uploaded the attachment to which is a service which scans the file through all major antivirus systems. You can see the results by going to the following link:

Virus Total Results For Facebook Virus

You can see that most of the antivirus systems have identified the file as a trojan.

So what does this trojan do? Upon opening and running, it will call rogue anti spywares and will inject its own code in legitimate Windows processes like svchost.exe. And a lot of other things things to infect the system fully.

And how did it manage to send it from my friend’s facebook account? Most probably, your friend’s account has been compromised. Facebook is aware of the situation and advises to change the password of your facebook account immediately if it has been sent from your account or if it is from your friend’s account, ask them to change their passwords immediately and scan their computers with an up to date antivirus.

For further reading about this issue, please follow:

Facebook Security Advice


M86 Security






137 responses to “Security Alert: Facebook Password Reset Confirmation Email Contains Virus”

  1. Mohamed Mousa

    Pls reset my facebook password

  2. lucy ninal

    how to open facebook i forgot password

  3. lucy ninal

    pls reset my password

  4. adlene das

    pls start facebook in my phone and conformation code place. how do i find conformation code

  5. saurabh

    please solve my facebook account is not opening.

  6. saurabh sonu

    please solve my facebook account is not opening

  7. Arjun Timsina

    Hi, i have forget my password, & i don’t know how to log in? Plz reply

  8. Digamber rana

    pleace reset my password & send my mobile

  9. digaamber rana

    i foeget my passswords gave me new password

  10. digaamber rana

    gave me new passwords

  11. Manara

    Facebook me demande d’entrer un code de confirmation envoye sur mon portable francais mais je n’ai plus cette ligne telephonique. COMMENT DOIS JE FAIRE ?

    1. Sanix

      @Manara: You can use the Facebook recovery form in order to recover your account:

  12. Bong

    Good Day!
    Thanks for this post. It creates awareness for Facebook users.
    And I want to share also that this kind of email with attachment can also be a phishing. When someone, click on the link, it goes to some Facebook login page that will steal your username and password. So it is better to always login at as my advise.
    Hi! and I want to share to you the procedure I made on how to get the Facebook security code to reset your password.
    Please visit this link:


    i want a email confirmation


  15. Ezinne

    Pls reset my facebook password

  16. candrut candra suroso

    facebook,ku ga bisa dibuka aja

  17. Blessingkalu

    Plz help me to confirm my facebook

  18. Blessingkalu

    Pls help me to confirm my facebook y9vwg

  19. my confirmation code

  20. ThankGod promzy

    I need my confirmation cod

  21. ThankGod promzy

    Pls, confirm my account

  22. jessica

    i dont know my password plzzz help

  23. patricia H. Clarke

    I want to reset my Facebook password and am having GREAT difficulty doing so.
    Can your headquarters please call me by telephone: 305-661-1837.
    Thank you.
    patricia H. Clarke

  24. meraj

    my facebook id was bolck plz doing any thing

  25. My facebook is block.he wants to reset code.i try then more time.but no any solauatiom.

  26. es bacan estar en facebook

  27. i am lillieflannery iam having trouble with logging in my facebook acount having trouble getting my password and username too work

  28. why my facebook is in eror

  29. no puedo entrar a mi faceboock necesito ayuda

  30. imran rana

    pleas reset my password easy