Virus Infections
This virus affects your system by
Disabling Task Manager
Disabling Registry Editor
Creates a startup entry to start upon system start and
Creates its own exe files in Shared Documents folder which appear like ordinary folders.
Disables Folder Options
Uses your 50% or more processor
You can see that the folders in Shared Documents have an exe extension If you have unchecked Hide extensions for known file types in Folder Options
Download Link
[download id=”6″]
292 responses to “New Folder.exe Virus Removal Tool”
I am very glad to thank you providing this tool
I am very glad to thank you for providing this tool
I fall into problems, that, i can remove the virus name may be sohanad. When I restart the computer I got a msge SSVICHOST.EXE Missing. When I pres ok then it will be Ok.
How Can I solve this Problems?
I done as mentioned but still ” the run button is not fixed. please lead thorugh.
u are a GENIuS!!!!!!!!!
Excellent Work
Bahar Follow the instructions on How to manually remove viruses. Download the pack and you do not need to run procexp but run autoruns and in the Logon Tab uncheck SSVICHOST.EXE entry and you are done.
Tech support b karra miya tu idar ??@Muhammad Abdullah:
Its not working !!!
Still PC’s infected…
Pls. give some other solution to eradicate it.
Qazi, I have checked this tool fully on my PC and it worked for me, May be you have got some another Virus
My PC has “New Folder.exe” virus. i downloaded “NewFolder Sohanad virus removal tool” and installed it, But nothing is working.
Help me.
Hello to all,
I had the same problem. i tried F-PROT antivirus for DOS. Everything is ok now for me.
you also try, its a nice one.
With regards,
it works thank u so much
dear sir it works only until system reboots. after that same my system i got
scvvhostr.exe thes virus pls give us a proper solution
My recommendation… use AOL’s ActiveVirusShield as you anti-virus, and Ad-Aware. AVS is based on Kaspersky and is FREE. You can download it from
Turn off Auto-play on all ur drives, cause that’s how this virus spreads. Every time you plug in a USB or CD/DVD, scan it. Trust no one.
To clean, run AVS… scan Critical Areas, it will prevent Sohand from protecting/regenerating itself. Run Ad-Aware to remove the Registry Entries. This will prevent it from starting as Windows boots up.
Then re-start and safely delete the SSVICHOSST from either system32 or windows folders.
thank u a lot i have done a great effort to remove this virus and i even formated my pc and downloaded windows again but af first it was removed then after an hour the virus was found again but i have a small question how can i remove this virus from a flash disk i will be so grateful it u found a way to help me and again thnx a lot
Thank you Genious I am glad to tell you that I am very Happy bcoz it saved my lot of formatting of Computer.
I am very glad to thank you providing this tool
Thanks Chief.
U know I have the updated & Registered Symantec corporate edition Antivirus & have scanned my computer more then 3 to 4 times ( full scan ) but have not found this virus but the tool provided by you helped me get ride of this bloody virus. I was really tired of this virus, specially working with Removal Disks, even I was not able for format a Flash disk or go to Task Manager etc, & system was also very slow, altough I have an IBM Thinkpad Centrino Duo Laptop with 1700 Processor.. I was thinking to backup my data & reformat everything but was not pretty sure whether the data i backup will be clean of this virus, since SAV was not able to locate it.
You saved lots of my time & Energy, Keep the good work up.
With regards.
Abasin Azad
hi to all
its tool work but after restart new folder virus create and systtem is slow plz tell me any anti virus which block new folder virus i am waiting my answer
Dear sir/madam
I have more viurs of the computer “folder.exe or new folder.exe” virus pleae u advice the how to remove it virus?
I am very glad to thank you providing this tool. My pendrive has still infected this folder how to remove it? do u have any suggestion? pls suggest me
I was really in avery big trouble with that virus. Many many thanks for providing that tool.Pls. suggest us How can we Guard for further infection from that virus?
I have an all-around tool that cleans it:
cwean antimalware package
Thnx for appreciation ! I can make this tool better if you ppl send me feedback @ . The enhancements will be like the tool will be able to detect & remove the all virus of this family.
P.S Plz, You hate SPAM & So do I. Give your feedback with a subject “SohanadKiller”. that’s it !
I am using Winxp prof. and i downloaded and installed the tools provided by you.i have been attacked with new folder.exe and as i have gone through ur site..u instructed to use RUN ! but in my system if i type anything on my RUN command opens in NOTEPAD!! what to do?? in my another system with winXP..the RUN command is missing! i dont know what to do now! please help me.
^ @ abee, Can u plz elaborate the problem dear, & try to send me a mail regarding this with various screenshots of your computer showing infections & actions of Virus. & Yes, I didnt instructed to use RUN or whatever you are saying, I just instructed to press the “Start Removal” Button. It’s gud to get feedback from u ppl, only then I can make my software much more good to help you all ppl out there. Anyhow, I’ll be waiting for the mail & just give the subject name as “Sohanad Killer”. & one more thing, Make Sure, before sending me mail, that you are using the latest version of my software.
I am very glad to thank you providing this tool
Thankyou So Much
Excellent,Friend It works fine with my OS and save effort for Reinstall All Things
You are a genius man… it really works .. thank you for saving my computer ..
Thnx 4 such an overwhelming response friends !
I m happy that my software is helpful to all of you !
Thanks alot for this antivirus
I’m very very happy
solution of new folder virus and defination of symentec
Thanks a lot. You are so helpful. May God always bless you with happiness
Same problem with my friend .thanx now becoz after running we are also very happy
i want the new folder.exe removal who can send me to my mail.My Computer is attacking by it in highest level condition! I need help!!
my mail address is
to the nhatquanglan variety of new folder.exe, one way that this virus persist is due to the modification to your autorun.inf located the root of your harddrives and shared folders.
after cleaning the virus with the tools provided by this site download rrt from and remove restriction to hidden files. you can see the virus again SCVhost and autorun.inf. delete then modify the autorun.inf
your previous autorun.inf must have this entry:
Shellexe cute=SSCVIIHOST.exe
I mean the autorun contain this command:
Shellexe cute=scvhosts.exe
thanks guys for the solutions that you gave…..although im doubting the softwares but anyways thanks a lot it gave me a relief because i was opting to reformat my computer……and for anyone out there who cant edit there registry try downloading Tune-up utilities… can edit your registry there even if your registry and taskmanager was disabled…i dont know the site but try searching it in……
thanks a lot in advance….
It was actually unbelievable that this worked in such a simple way. I was wondering if the program had not recognised the virus. thank you for this product. I was ready to manually remove the virus, but just wanted to give this a try. Thanks once again.
i want a patch of folder.exe virus remover
this is good site about give the knowledge about the virus
i cant seem to download the remover. pls help
try here
Thanks 4 ur help
Thanks……… 4 Ur help