GHacks has quite a cool tip for speeding up Windows. Windows stores the temp folder in the same drive where it is installed by default. You can change the temp folder location to improve the performance of Windows. To change the location of temp folder, create a new folder in any other drive except for the Windows drive. Then right click My Computer –> Properties –> Advanced –> Environment Variables –> select temp variable and then click edit. Change the variable value to the folder path you have just created. Click Ok. Now select tmp variable and then click edit. Change the variable value to the folder you want the temporary files to go to.
Now everything is set to go. You should restart your computer for the changes to take effect. Delete the old temporary folders after restarting.
Move The Temp Folder For Windows Performance Enhancement
6 responses to “Move The Temp Folder For Windows Performance Enhancement”
Thank you so much. This helped me because my OS drive is only 4 gigabytes and my data drive is 80gigs. Whenever I try to install high capacity software it tells me I don’t have enough space on my drives. This helps me a lot. Thank you.
cheers, much appreciated – i’ve got a similar setup to igor on my asus eeepc, 4gb OS drive and 16gb data drive – this helps a lot!!
There’s a Polish instructions, how to change Temp folder.
Oto polskie instrukcje 🙂
1. Wciskamy klawisze Win i PauseBreak
2. Wybieramy “Zaawansowane ustawienia systemu”
3. W oknie “W?a?ciwo?ci systemu” klikamy “Zmienne ?rodowiskowe”
4. Klikamy dwukrotnie najpierw na zmienn? TEMP i zmieniamy ?cie?k?, potem analogicznie post?pujemy z TMP.
Mo?na te? na dodatek analogicznie na dolnej li?cie Zmiennych systemowych zmieni? ?cie?ki z C:\Windows\Temp na np. D:\Pliki Tymczasowe
Pozdrawiam 🙂
Bez polskich liter, zeby sie lepiej niekturym czytauo. Orty robiem specjalnie w celu zastompienia polskich liter 😛
There’s a Polish instructions, how to change Temp folder.
Oto polskie instrukcje
1. Wciskamy klawisze Win i PauseBreak
2. Wybieramy “Zaawansowane ustawienia systemu”
3. W oknie “Wuasciwosci systemu” klikamy “Zmienne Srodowiskowe”
4. Klikamy dwukrotnie najpierw na zmiennom TEMP i zmieniamy scierzke, potem analogicznie postempujemy z TMP.
Morzna terz na dodatek analogicznie na dolnej liscie Zmiennych systemowych zmienic scierzki z C:\Windows\Temp na np. D:\Pliki Tymczasowe
Now I’ve moved my browsers cache and the temp-folders to a 2gig ramdisk.
More performance, more space on my HDD… AND: less need to defragment my HDD^^
Thank you. One of my pet hates is Microsoft’s default settings for folders, especially those buried so deep one can develop clickitis. Hey I just named a new RSI problem. Microclikistis