Google Chrome browser has recently been updated to Google Chrome 11.0.686.1 Beta. Previously I wrote about Chrome 10.0.612.3 Beta which has now been updated to 11.0.686.1. Google is updating its browser very fast and it is gaining popularity among the internet users. In my observation, about 20% of the visitors of are using Google Chrome which is a huge improvement as it was less than 10% a few months back.
Version 11.0.686.1 fixes a few bugs related to HTML 5 but there are a lot of bugs still to be addressed. More details about the bugs and fixes can be found of the Google Chrome Releases blog.
Download Google Chrome 11.0.686.1 Beta
Note: Now you can go ahead and Download Google Chrome 12.0.712.0 Beta
Download Google Chrome 11.0.686.1 Beta