Everyone wants to get his work done with as less cost as possible. Most of our everyday computing tasks can be done with freeware softwares but the problem is that we can’t find freeware apps about the category we’re looking for.
While browsing the internet I have found two cool tools that will list down freeware softwares and apps organized into different categories.
The first one is FreewareUpdater. FreewareUpdater is a small and powerful software management tool to keep track of the most popular freeware and open source apps. FreewareUpdater comes with aaist of about 200+ freeware and open source apps that are presented in a user friendly interface to ease the search and installation of these softwares.
Download FreewareUpdater
The second one is ZeuApp from Zeusoft. This is another awesome software management tool which gives the list of freeware apps organized into categories. Download the freeware you like with just one click. ZeuApp has 12 categories: Archivers, Audio, Video, Chat-IM, Internet, CD Burners, P2P-File sharing, Games, Graphic, Office, Security, Utility.
Download ZeuApp