Restrict Programs From Accessing The Internet In Windows

Windows Firewall is a handy tool to control the Internet traffic to and from Windows. Windows Firewall lets the user to allow or disallow programs from accessing the Internet. This dialog box usually comes when we open a program for the first time. Windows Firewall was introduced in Windows XP SP1 and it is still continued in Windows 7 and Windows 8.
Although Windows Firewall is good, it is not easy to operate and configure the Firewall. There are third party tools that can be used to configure Windows Firewall. You can also use Microsoft Management Console in order to configure Firewall related policies or ease you can go to Windows Firewall configuration in the Control Panel.
Firewall App Blocker is one such third party tool which has a very simple graphical user interface and is very easy to use as well. Using Firewall App Blocker, you can easily restrict specific programs from accessing the Internet. Firewall App Blocker makes use of the built in Windows Firewall to implement its rules through registry.
The functionality of Firewall App Blocker is as simple as it gets and digs down to only two buttons which can be used to add a program to the block list and remove the selected program from the block list.
Since Firewall App Blocker is portable, it can easily be carried in a USB Flash drive.
Download Firewall App Blocker to restrict programs from accessing the Internet.



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2 responses to “Restrict Programs From Accessing The Internet In Windows”

  1. Xi

    Its easy to block apps/programs using Windows Firewall. To do that we must use Windows Firewall-Advanced Security. Just run wf.msc in run command/startmenu search bar and then under “Outbound rules, add your files that must be blocked from Internet Access! Thats it.

  2. Its really important to block those programs that are using windows Firewall. you share the best information for speed up our system. thanks for sharing it with me.