Rename CD/DVD ROM Drive In Windows

I was just going through DonationCoder which is a very good site about creating user submitted ideas for apps. I came across an app that could rename the all the drives in Windows. That’s really a cool tweak as usually we want to change the default name of our CD/DVD ROM drives.
I have so many virtual drives made by different softwares. I want to rename all of them so that I can figure out which drive is of which software and I want to keep the physical drive separate. Drive Renamer does this perfectly. It’s very easy to use. Just select the drive letter and type in the name of the drive you want to have and then press set. If, for some reason, you want to reset the name, just open the program again, select the drive you want to reset and then press reset. That’s done.
drive renamer

Drive Renamer can be downloaded from the following location:
[download id=”136″]






4 responses to “Rename CD/DVD ROM Drive In Windows”

  1. ryan

    i just changed my dvd drive manually from registry editor

    1. Sanix

      ryan can you give us the registry key which you used to change the name of the drive?

  2. Anon

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\DriveIcons\\DefaultLabel for all users
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Applications\Explorer.exe\Drives\\DefaultLabel for current user

  3. cykelsmeden

    Dosn’t work on DVDs in w7!
    It only paste an xtra label on Dvd-drive (x:) xtralabel
    All other drives it works renaming though.