NeoLoader: Torrent Downloader With Anonymous File Sharing Capabilities

NeoLoader is a download manager / filesharing client, designed to work across network borders. It can download files from various One Click Hosting sites as well as from BitTorrent and eMule/eDonkey2000. In addition to that Neo provides his own anonymous filesharing Network, based on a TOR-like packet routing in its own Next Generation Kademlia network. Booth its BitTorrent as well as eMule support is state of the art, it supports all mainstream protocol extensions.


The biggest benefit of NeoLoader is tunable bandwidth and connection management for optimized P2P operations. It supports several protocols and networks including DHT extensions, trackerless downloads, Bittorrent extension protocol (BEP 10), Utorrent metadata transfer protocol (BEP 9 , i.e. magnet links), uTorrent peer exchange protocol (PEX), Advanced Inteligent Coruption Handling (AICH), eMule Kademlia, TOR and many more.

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Download NeoLoader 0.35


