How To Save Yourself From Conficker Worm April Attack

Conficker, also known as Downup, Downadup, Kido or the Microsoft Worm began spreading in October 2008. By January 2009, it had affected 16 million computer around the globe which included hospital system and sensitive military systems. The worst part of it is that Microsoft had already released a patch for the vulnerability Conficker has been exploiting even before the release of the worm.
Here are some of the ways and tools that can save you from the effects of Conficker worm.

1- First of all go to the windows update site and make sure you have all the critical and security updates installed and your Windows is up to date. If, for some reason, you can’t update Windows, at least you should have the following updates installed.
Just click on the name of your operating system and download the security update and install it.
2- Make sure you have an updated and active real time antivirus.
3- If you get affected by chance, remove the conficker worm using one of the following tools:
ESET Conficker Removal Tool
Symantec Conficker Removal Tool
Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool
4- Here is the Microsoft Knowledge Base Article that includes manual removal instructions about the Conficker worm.
And here is the complete detail about the Conficker worm, about it’s functioning and how it spreads:



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7 responses to “How To Save Yourself From Conficker Worm April Attack”

  1. thisblogsucks

    you are a failure at life. do you read? its CONFICKER, not conf-L-icker. you are the epitome of the guy who blogs about sht000 he doesn’t know to make money. you fail, you get a thumbs down in stumble. im sure the rest of the educated internet agrees.

  2. adrin

    Hai thisblogsucks..! no human in the world become perfectly every time and every day.. that is normal to make a mistake unintentionally.. I found this blog deliver height class information to visitor..

  3. Sanix

    Thisblogsucks thanks for letting me know about my mistake.i’m travelling right now.will definitely correct it once i get have the right to give a thumbs down or up.i never ask it from you 🙂
    Adrin thanks for the explanation from my side.i appreciate it.

  4. Technize I love

    Hello thisblogsucks mistakes do happen to human beings.This blog is really nice.Your own comment should get THUMBS DOWN!!!!!!!!!

  5. Sanix

    I have corrected my mistake. Thanks thisblogsucks for pointing out the error and a special thanks to adrin and “Technize I love” for commenting on my behalf. I really appreciate your words.

  6. PC_soul

    thanks for this blog, its very usefull, especially for whom that get this muth***ing virus, this downup bastard. thanks sanix for the input, i will try this. how about I-worm/generic.cjx ?
    anyone ever infected by it ? i am using AVG now, and its give me warning. and everytime its cleaned its attack again, how or why i dunno. whn its attack, its hit, svchost.exe. and its make it error. funny is if we close the error warning, the PC hang !!, but if we let it, i mean not close it, the PC still works. strange isn’t. well if someone can give me suggestion, it will be apriciated. this virus that i dont know how to handle. hey lets start make this blog as forum for virus counter heh ? hihihih sorry sanix, but ur blog, can be veru usefull for good guys like us here 🙂 thanks before.

    1. Sanix

      PC_soul we already have a forum running on this site. You can start this very thread on the forum if you want :-).