Avira is a very good name in free antivirus world. Actually I like it more than AVG or any other antivirus. It’s a good news for anyone who is using Avira Internet Security Suite. Now Avira is giving away it’s Premium Security Suite 6 months license for free. This promotion is for PC Advisor users but anyone can benefit from it 🙂
In order to get the free license follow the steps below:
- Go to this Avira Premium Security promotion page.
- Fill in the form and press Request License Now.
- Now on the next pages press License Overview.
- Next screen will give you the download links for Avira Premium Security Suite and its 6 months license. You can download both of them or you can also send them to your email address simply by check the license ID box and pressing Send.
Now you’re good to go. Install the security suite and enjoy it for 6 months for free 🙂
62 responses to “Get Avira Premium Security Suite 6 Months License Free”
Please READ the forum instead of asking stupid questions !
Admin, close this topic !
not reading it anymore !
very good avira anti virus
i want ton get free avira licence file
promotions are finished! You will have too look carefully to find a promotion somewhere ! I got one till feb but trough a korean site! Good luck !
Better to buy your antivirus or install linux or get an apple ! They suck if you got used to microsht000 but thats reality ! Beybuy
avira is best antivirus.
hi My original 30 day license Avira AntiVir Premium Security Suite 2011
for each person
separately and am selling price of $ 1$
– that if you every 30 days can cost a dollar
– at a cost of $ 12 did the year – compared to
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to production technology, and they accomplished
– if you had doubts you can do to try.
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free 6 mesi.
To majiq: if you think people are so stupid to send you money to buy a licence for 1€ and to make you richer, you are really stupid and a fraud !
if anyone would even give you 1€ or 1$ is maybe even more stupid to believe you !
avira it a good security
Hi I want to teach me how to download and to instal it cause i tried many times without any succed please pleasa teach me
I would like to update my avira virus protection in my Computer.