Fwd: FREE Laptops!…
The Ericsson Company is distributing free computer Lap-tops in an attempt to match Nokia that has already done so.
Ericsson hopes to increase its popularity this way. For this reason, they are giving away the new WAP laptops. All you need to do to qualify is to send this mail to 8 people you know. Within 2 weeks, you will receive EricssonT18. But if you can send it to 20 people or more, you will receive Ericsson R320.
Make sure to send a copy to: anna.swelung@ericsson.com
Today I have got this email from a friend of mine. At first I was stunned how can this be that Ericsson is giving free laptops. I decided to open the mail out of curiosity and found the content to be what I have pasted above. As I’m fully aware of such types of scams but I was cautious because this came from a reliable source. I decided to dig deeper to find out more about the offer. I went to the Ericsson site and found nothing. And then I searched for Ericsson T18 and Ericsson R320. It dawned onto me that these Ericsson models are not laptops. Actually they are mobile sets (discontinued long ago as Ericsson is now Sony Ericsson). For more information on both the sets, click the following links:
Ericsson T18
Ericsson R320
Ericsson has the following message displayed for this promotion:
About the “Free Phone/Laptop” Email Hoax
Ericsson is not giving away free phones or laptops. The chain mail you have received is a fraud and there is no person with the name of Anna Swelund working at Ericsson. At Ericsson, we are constantly looking at new innovative ways to market ourselves, chain e-mails are not one of them. We kindly ask you not to forward the chain mail further.
Thank you.
A message from Ericsson about free laptops
So the final conclusion is that this email is a HOAX and nothing else. Here’s the definition of Hoax from Wikipedia:
A hoax is a deliberate attempt to dupe, deceive or trick an audience into believing, or accepting, that something is real, when in fact it is not; or that something is true, when in fact it is false.
So please don’t fall prey to these types of useless things. And as the proverb says, “Look before you leap”, research before acting.
45 responses to “Ericsson Is Distributing Free Laptops For Their Brand Promotion”
The title of this post attracted me alot but after reading it my emotions are completely down.
yes Mutant, this is exactly what happened when I saw this email in my inbox but after doing the research, I found out that all this was crap 🙂
I get the same email this morning,the first one who send the first email must have some secrets? I DON’T THINK IT’S JUST KIDDING.
I am in Jiangsu, China.
I get the same email this morning,the first one who send the first email must have some secrets? I DON’T THINK IT’S JUST KIDDING.
I am in Jiangsu, China.
I get the same email this morning,the first one who send the first email must have some secrets? I DON’T THINK IT’S JUST KIDDING.
I am in Jiangsu, China.
I get the same email this morning,the first one who send the first email must have some secrets? I DON’T THINK IT’S JUST KIDDING.
I am in Jiangsu, China.
Hi bruce. Nice having someone from China. I love China :-). Actually it’s just kidding because Ericsson has also made it clear that they are not giving any promotions. See the links in the article.
It’s a joke.. im not kidding..
i have also received this email. not sure why ppl are doing this?
because they’ll get a DB full of valid email addresses, after all this show, so they’ll send you emails with cheap viagra and cialis
I think then Ericsson should put the message across to the general public reinforcing greater social responsibility at their end.
No more chain mail in any circumstances.
Sony Ericssonlab top I think is great!
Sony Ericsson I t6hink is great!
when i recieved this mail today, the first idea is it must be kidding. i dont think that it is true. I am from china- shanghai.
I know the answer why they are sending this e-mail to everyone.Because this is one of the new scam system from 419 International Scam Group.
Search over net about 419 scam….
merci de me donner un super ordinateur.
i ve think its true
How can you think it’s true? since when do big company’s like sony ericsson or other start chain-mails?????? this is not how they promote their products, nor do they give away free products unless it’s from their own website or thrue retailers.
Maria björklund – Sweden, Stockholm
By the way, Sony Ericsson is a mobile company and dont even manufacture laptops!!!!
Maria welcome to Technize. It’s really great to see someone from Sweden 🙂 Truly said, it’s only a scam nothing else.
I have received, for the second time, the attached email which is being circulated on behal of Anna Swelung and IT Manager RCG, N Kousick. The emaill says, that Ericsson is distributing two laptop computers (T18 and R320) to those of us who forward this email to 8 (T18) or 20 (R320) persons. As a concerned consumer, my question to you, of course, is this a legitimate claim? In light of all the bogus email and mail order scams that are out there in this world, it is natural for me to be skeptic about this. I would also like to believe that Sony Ericsson would not want it’s name attached to a bogus scam. Please verify the authenticity of this claim by you and/or Sony Ericsson. Is Sony Ericsson giving away laptop computers as stated in the attached email? Also, how can I contact either you or KN Kousik via phone at Sony Ericsson? I would like to know that either name is actually listed with the Human Resources Department at Sony Ericsson in any country.
Thank you
Trina, Ericsson has already issued a statement that this is a scam and is not related by any means to Ericsson. So no need to pay attention to these emails as they are scams and only waste your time.
this is getting out of hand i just emailed the mesg to 50 people and its not even true.. Made me so mad when i fopund out it wasnt true.
Wossen helping association
Call 00251911249079 /00251910529421POBOX 21223/1000 A.A Ethiopia Email whaethiopia@yahoo.com
We know where, why, when, and how.
Ethiopia is bounded on the Northeast by Eritrea and Djibouti, on the East and southeast by Somalia, on the Southwest by Kenya, and on the West and Northwest by Sudan. The country is divided into nine regions, one for each of its main ethnic groups. Addis Ababa is Ethiopia’s capital and largest city.
Ethiopia with an area of 1.13 million square kilometers .Is the second population country in sub-Saharan Africa .Its population in July 2003 ,which is projected (medium variant )from the base population of the 1994 census results ,the most recent in the country ,was 69,127,000 with sex ratio of almost 1.1 Ethiopia ,predominantly an agrarian country with subsistence production and traditional mode of farming prevailing is one of the least developed country in the world.
One distinguishing feature of the least developed country ,which Ethiopia also shares ,is the high fertility rate resulting in a broad-based population pyramid .In Ethiopia according to the preliminary result of heirs first ever Demographic and health survey (dhs-2000),the reported total fertility rate at country level stands at 5.9 .The prevalence of such a high fertility rate ,undoubtedly ,has several repercussions both on the development of the country in general and the survival and development of children in particular the proportion of children below 18 years of age as defined by the convention on the rights of the child(CRC)in Ethiopia account for more than half ,52.4 % to be exact ,according to the 1994 National population is coupled with the very high incidence of poverty ,indicated as 45 % of the population living below the absolute poverty line estimated for the country in a recent government report M’EDAC,1999 it is easy to imagine the difficult situations in which the vast majority of children in this country are obliged to live in ,provided they do not die at infancy ,other basic socio-economy and demographic indicators do not neither show a glimpse for optimism. The overall literacy rate for the country as a whole as well as school enrolment rates is small even when compared with sub-Saharan situations.
The 2000 welfare monitoring ,conducted by the central statistical authority (CSA) ,indicates that 70.8% of Ethiopia’s population aged 10 years and over were non-literate during the time with marked gender and rural /urban disparity (60.3%of males as compared to 80.6%of females and 30.1 %of urban as compared to 78.3% of rural populations )
Addis Ababa, capital and largest city of Ethiopia, the country’s commercial, manufacturing, and cultural center. It is situated in central Ethiopia at an elevation of about 2440 m (about 8000 ft) above sea level on a plateau that is crossed by numerous streams and surrounded by hills. It is the focus of a highway network, the site of an international airport, and the terminus of a railroad to the Gulf of Aden port of Djibouti, capital of the neighboring state of Djibouti. In the city are printing industries and manufactures include footwear, clothing, asbestos and metal products, processed foods, cement, and plywood. Flourishing handicraft industries produce leather, metal, and textile goods, which are traded along with the regional agricultural produce, such as coffee, tobacco, and dairy items, in the vast open-air market known as the Mercato, on the western side of the city.
Addis Ababa is a sprawling city, well wooded, especially with eucalyptus trees, and crossed by broad avenues. Modern, multistoried buildings sit side by side with traditional one- and two-storied structures and open spaces. Its high elevation gives the city a mild, pleasant climate. The city is the seat of Addis Ababa University (1950), schools of music and art, and several research institutes. As headquarters of the African Union and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, the city is the scene of many international conferences. Of note in the city are the octagon-shaped Saint George Coptic Christian Cathedral (1896), the modern Africa Hall with its dramatic stained-glass windows, and the Menelik II Palace, as well as several museums with collections of art, ethnology, and archaeology.
The modern city was founded in 1887 at the site of a hot springs by Emperor Menelik II and given the name Addis Ababa, Amharic for “new flower.” It became the national capital in 1889. The city’s somewhat haphazard and unplanned growth was spurred by the completion in 1917 of the railroad to Djibouti. From 1936 to 1941 Addis Ababa was occupied by the Italians, who made it the capital of Italian East Africa and instituted extensive modernization projects. Between 1960 and 1970 the population of the city nearly doubled, and new light manufacturing industries were established. In 1963 the charter establishing the Organization of African Unity was signed here
Infrastructure such us telephone, electricity and postal service are wildly operating .There are more than 100 Embassy, UN office, Africa union, Humanitarian and religion institution, more than 200 NGOs are based in the capital city.
The migration of rural adults, youth and children to the town makes the town crowded, which develops to urban destitute and poor .The fleeing of the rural poor to the town leads the life of urban dwellers to extreme poverty. Poor to poor forms double poor.
Particularly the adolescents and children migrate from rural areas and born in the town are unemployed. Many of them have no access to education .Since many families are poor they are unable to send there children to school and keep their health .Even the families used their children as income source .The children are forced to subside their family’s income.
To earn day-to-day life children are engaged in petty trade such us selling of sugarcane, roosted grains, candies, and fruits.
Some of them live with there poor family and earn their life from the street, we call them street children .The other groups are children of the street .This group of street children goes out of their family both from the rural family and the town or born on the street from their street mothers. Children of the street live on the street and earn from the street.
These street children are poverty stricken .They don’t have permanent source of income they are casual workers. They work what ever they found, the female street children grown to prostitute, while the male grown to criminal’s thefts, vagabonds, and addicts.
Sexual abuse is daily life of street children, so they easily contaminated by STD even HIV/AIDS.
The street children have no shelter to protect themselves from heat and cold .Pneumonia, and tracheal infection is common. Since they conduct UN protected sex both commercial and rapid they usually suffer from reproductive health.
They don’t have permanent income they eat and drink what ever they find, so they live undernourished and malnourished. They live where ever they found under tree, on the road, bus station, under veranda in extremely unsanitary condition, they don’t have access to personal hygiene, they use any where to discharge their urine and feces, they are even dangerous for sanitary condition of the town.
They are exposed to any attack, violation and risk life, they are beaten, tortured, sexual abuse among female .As the result female chider prostitute are abundant. Since they conduct sexual action when ever, where ever and what ever cost they are called Mobil, rapid and discount sexual workers.
Majority of male street children are unemployed they engaged in crimes drug abuse and anti social behavior. The community has negative attitude towards the street children ,it consider them as down thrown ,anti social and criminals ,the street hide and segregate themselves.
The association is strongly commented to see all the children under custody to become self suffice and productive citizen of tomorrow.
To bring up all the children the best possible way, feed ,care for their health, cloth lodging, education, healthy social interaction ethical conduct etc.
Objectives of the association
To create ,as much as possible ,a comfortable like environmental (home),which is for the children to feed them and make them mentally and physically competent citizens ,to educate them well so that they become self sufficient ,productive nation building citizens who can lead a healthy social life.
We are asking this help behalf of the children to all charitable, individual, humanitarians, and aid organization, to extend your hands and forward help to children’s that need your immediate help.
WHA is exclusive child and aged people focused NGO that has strong conviction to work in partnership with international and national NGOs and relevant government bodies that have similar objectives and mission, is fully committed to work towards the realization of children’s right as stipulated in the CRC.
It is easier than you think to make a difference, when we all work together; even the little things we do can have a significant impact in helping the children.
Your donation will help us provide food, shelter, clothing, and basic necessities to this age group.
No Age group Male Female Total
1 0–5 20 20 40
2 5–10 20 20 40
3 10–15 20 20 40
4 15–20 20 20 40
5 Above –20 20 20 40
Total 100 100 200
International Volunteers, donors, NGO’s, charity organization, churches, schools, banks, hospitals, company, individual donors if you have your owned principles and method we are ready to adopt it and work with you.
Volunteers are well come .
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world”
“Mahatma Gandhi”
When a poor person dies of hunger, it has not happened because God did not take care of him or her. It has happened because neither you nor I wanted to give that person what he or she needed.
Mother Teresa
With best regards
Mr.Abera wasihun
I believe the return email address “anna.swelung@ericsson.com” is going to use the email addresses for more illegal scams which will try and scam money from unwitting recipients.
Especially those who pass the email around.
Duh, who didn’t know this
I wondered, “Huh? Sony Ericsson, a Laptop!?” I only know Ericssons as cellular phones, so I had doubts.
Phew~, good thing I searched and confirmed.
… Not only that, this has been here for January, and it’s alive and kicking again o_o.
i got the same email recently.. haven’t gotten any responce from ericisson.. dug deeply and found out it all a hoax
I have sent this promotion to 21 people that I know+to yourself. What happens now regarding receiving the free laptop
G Atkins
this same type thing happening in the case of Microsoft also. but they say that microsoft will pay you for each mail you forwards.
hello, i am delight tegbe a student of knust kumasi, Ghana reading biotechnology, please i find it very difficult in presentations, assignments, and projects just because i find it difficult to have a laptop. please ericsson company i want u to help me out because i am suffering always going on yhe net to find someone who could help me but i know you will be my saviour.
my address
delight tegbe
tema happy home school complex
c/o p.o. box tt 343
tema manhean
ghana west africa
@delight tegbe
This is only a scam. How do you believe someone giving you a huge incentive without doing anything in return??
i really need your help
I have sent this promotion to 10 people that I know to yourself. What is left receiving the free laptop I wondered, “ Sony Ericsson, a Laptop!?” I only know Ericssons as cellular phones, so I had doubts.but I hope …
I am a student of creative art,i need a laptop for the course,please help me in the name of God.
I am a student reading economics and i don’t have a laptop to study ahead an research.i need it pls.
Dear Sir,
Am Samuel Atta Mensah ,from Elmina- Ghana,West Africa.
Yes,i will be very happy if i get A LAB TOP from you .
I Badly need a LAB TOP COMPUTER.Indeed if i get this offer from you, i please hope that it will be a bless to me as well as my Community. This is because, many (pupil) young students in my community are ignorant in ICT.and i will do well and introduce them to the little i know in ICT since ICT is now learn t in our all basic schools. Am a Student and i almost spend my little time i get to teach this Children in the House for free. so if i get this gift(Lab Top) from you, i can also use it to help these ignorant children in ICT, as it helps me as well in my academies. i kindly hope i will hear back in good spirit.
Thank you.
Please i am a teacher in ghana,i would be very glad if you could kindly send me one of your laptops to teach my students.I count on your usual cooperation
I am I.C.T teacher in Ghana I need Quality Laptop from a reliable company and I held of Laptop Promotion from a reputable company like yours how may I get one. is it true your Promotion? and is it true that there is free laptop promotion. In fact I trust your product even your phones. Please, help me to get one because I have alot of teachers who want quality product like that of yours. I hope this will help Ghanaian students with the introduction of Information Communication Technology in Ghana. Do will to let us taste your product. thanks