Download And Activate Trend Micro Internet Security For 1 Year

Trend Micro is a pretty known brand in the internet security market. Trend Micro, previously known as PC Cillin, offers its security products which come in the rankings of different Antivirus and internet security suites rankings. Although its ranking is not very high but it’s a good malware protection suite. I’m using it on my corporate network and am yet to see any problems.
trend micro

The good news is that now you can download and activate Trend Micro Internet Security suite for 1 year. Although the original offer is for lomega customers which is Internet Security Pro for only $20 but there is a link at the top right of the offer page which says:
trend micro free offer
Just go to this promotional page and click on the first link on the top right which says Activate FREE Trend Micro Internet Security for one user for 1 year. You have to download 149 MB file. When installing, select Install a free trial version. This will activate the product for 1 year for free. After installing Trend Micro Security suite, you should update it and use it to protect your system. Enjoy 🙂
Update: The promotional page is gone. Now you can download the Trend Micro Internet Security for 1 year from the following link:





14 responses to “Download And Activate Trend Micro Internet Security For 1 Year”

  1. Chris

    Promotional page link is dead

  2. Sanix

    Thanks for pointing out the problem. The promotional offer is gone but I have given the direct link to the download of the security suite which is licensed for one year. You can see the update in the article.

  3. dev

    Above given link is not working.Please help.
    Thanks In advance

  4. Cecilia Betker

    I am downloaded into Trend Micro but not activated.
    How do I activate my account?

  5. ron

    Hi, the promotional page and the link given to download Trend Micro
    are both not working, ols. help.

  6. James Davis

    I need to know if I can download the free software to my iomega portable hard drive instead of my computer. thanks

  7. Clarence Herman

    Wed August 4th I received a letter from “Jon” with instructions on how to download Trend Micro Internet Security Pro 2010. [SR1-1-348324316]… I used this info and got it installed on 2 of my 3 computers, one was down at the time, I now have it up and running and tried to install the same on this computer, however nothing seems to work out according to the letter. Help Please, Clarence

  8. raymond chalmers

    good external

  9. moh. afeef

    i have a disk with serial number i need to activate it.

  10. tony butler

    hi i bought an iomega and says i get a years free protection i have downloaded the trial how do i get the years free protection please

  11. douglas woodman


  12. Heather

    Free one year Trend Security not letting me down load was this just a scam to get me to buy my new lap top?

  13. steve ndulaka

    expected to download the 1year free security protection, but unable to open.

  14. Mike

    I just bought an Iomega External HDD and followed included directions to get a free year of full protection for my computer. All links are dead and I see many others feel cheated as well. I relied on this Protection Suite Software coming with the HDD, and the Protection Suite Software was a material, integral and primary reason I chose to buy this HDD.
    Please confirm whether Iomega is honoring its commitment to provide the Protection Suite Software for one year free-of-charge. If I do not hear back within 5 days, I shall conclude the answer is NEGATIVE, and commence legal recourse. At first glance at the numerous complaints of similarly situated customers, this action appears to be ripe for class action litigation.