When we insert our USB drive into the computer, it looks similar to other drives in the computer so we can not recognize it immediately from My computer. If there are more than one drives inserted in the system, it will become harder for us to recognize our newly inserted USB drive.
USB Personalizer is a tool that lets you personalize the USB drive itself including its appearance. You can set the icon and even the background of the of the USB drive folder. The good thing is that it also lets you use applications and pictures in addition to ico files for the icon of the USB drive.
It also includes a file manager so that you can manage your files from the application, USB Personalizer, itself.
USB Personalizer can be downloaded from the following location:
[download id=”227″]
Customize And Personalize Your USB Pen Drive
4 responses to “Customize And Personalize Your USB Pen Drive”
This great tool. Thanks
This is a great tool. Thanks
THX ! SANIX …. good… very good !
This is very much the trend. I know that Sansa has its U3 application that installs on your icon tray to mount a drive image that looks a CD with portable executable files along with a regular FAT partition.
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