Beware Of The Latest Twitter Phishing Hack

We all use twitter as it has evolved as the best micro blogging tool and it’s so easy to use. But one thing we don’t know is that even Twitter accounts have been compromised and hacked and have been a source of more hacking attempts.
Now this is the latest Twitter hack which hacks one account by sending a message like the following:
“this you??”
“LOL is this you”
“hey, i’ve been having better sex and longer with this here”
or any other sex related messages.
These messages are followed by a link that takes us to a malware site that may try to install malware in your system or some of the sites do identity thefts.

So how do I keep away from those phishing scams?

It’s simple. Don’t ever click on the link if you get to the above mentioned messages. Even if you have clicked the link, never ever enter your username or password or any other detail on the displayed page.
Make sure you only give your account access to the most trusted Twitter apps.

OMG!! I have been compromised. What should I do?

If you feel like you have been compromised, you should immediately change or reset your Twitter account password plus you should also change the details that you have given on the scam page. If you use the same password for all the accounts on the internet, you will have to change all the passwords as most probably your password will be used in more malicious attacks on your internet accounts.
Another thing you have to do is reset the Twitter connections. To do it, go to your Twitter account –> Settings –> Connections. Make sure only your most trusted applications remain on this page. Revoke all others.
To be absolutely sure that you’re aware of the latest twitter hacks, keep following Technize as we occasionally write about the hacks that spread more. Additionally you should also start following the Twitter Safety tweets which informs about the latest Twitter threats.


