Backup And Restore Windows 7 Activation Settings

I have already written about activating Windows 7 and using Windows 7 without activation. Today I will write about backing up the Windows 7 activation settings and then how to restore them.

ABR (Activation Backup and Restore) is a very useful tool which can backup the Windows Vista and Windows 7 activation settings. You must do this if you want to reinstall Windows. If you have backed up the activation settings, you can easily restore those settings on the PC again. Activation is not required again and again. Just restore the activation settings which you have backed up once.

ABR can only be used to install the same version of Windows 7 or Windows Vista. For example, if you have Windows 7 Home Edition, the activation backed up from that system will only work on Windows 7 Home Edition.

How to use ABR:

  • Download ABR from here.
  • Run “activation_backup.exe”.
  • Save the backup files in a safe place.
  • Reinstall Windows
  • Restore activation by running “activation_restore.exe”






3 responses to “Backup And Restore Windows 7 Activation Settings”

  1. geoffc

    Nice one – many thanks.

  2. wguru

    This’s the third such post I’ve read about ‘Restore Windows 7 Activation Status’ and I don’t get it because my HP laptop (originally OEM Vista) which I wiped the hard drive of everything, partitions and all, then I installed W7 Pro and since then I’ve used W7’s backup to save a complete system image that results in a file folder named “WindowsImageBackup” and I’ve since re-installed twice using W&’s system restore (not using restore points, but instead using W7’s system restore’s oprtion to reintall the system using an earlier backup (and never yet have I seen any prompts for the need to activate Windows).

  3. wguru

    …aside from activating Windows the first time I installed W7 Pro.