I have always gotten problems staying up-to-date with all my software. I was in search of a tool that could tell me the latest versions of all the software I have installed on my Windows machine. And I have found one now. It’s called UpdateStar.
UpdateStar is a software that will automatically recognize your installed software and search for their updated versions, list them if some software needs to be updated. It also gives the option to download the software that
needs updating.
When I installed UpdateStar, it recognized 55 out of 58 softwares that I had installed on my machine. And then it told me that I had only two software that needed to be updated. It has a nice graph for telling the software to be updates and software installed. The funny thing about it was that some versions of the programs that I had already installed were more recent than those retrieved by UpdateStar. But overall, it was great to have UpdateStar.
File Information and Download
Website: http://www.updatestar.com
Latest Version: 1.0.14
File Size: 7.59 MB
Download: http://www.updatestar.com/en/download